The Arizona Cowboy Shooters Association Inc. (ACSA) is a SASS sanctioned Cowboy Action Shooting™ club​ located in Phoenix, Arizona at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility, one of the largest publicly operated shooting facilities in the country. We shoot year-round on the second Saturday of each month.

So park your camper at Ben Avery, stay a while, and come join us in all the fun!

Match Schedule: Our matches are on the second Saturday of each month.

  • During the Winter months of October through May, registration starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 8:45 AM. The Shooters meeting is at 9:00 AM with hammers down shortly thereafter.
  • During the Summer months of June through September, registration starts at 7:00 AM and ends at 7:45 AM. The Shooters meeting is at 8:00 AM with hammers down shortly thereafter.

Match Registration/Membership: The ACSA Match Registration and the Membership Application Forms may be found on the ACSA Forms page HERE.
Stage Descriptions: Stage Descriptions are posted a few days before each match on the Current Year Match Results page.



Current Club News

2021 Winter Warm-Up Match is complete.  Great success.

See some pictures HERE

Next ACSA match is March 13th



Club Information

Membership Dues were due January 1. Please fill out the new membership form, located HERE, even if there are no changes from last year. Bring the new Form with payment to the next match or pay by mail to the address on the form.
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COVID Restrictions: For those of you who have not shot a match here since the China Virus restrictions on gatherings, there will be no awards or scores after matches until Ben Avery restrictions allow larger gatherings.
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PRACTICE EVERY FRIDAY SETUP DAY. The Ben Avery Fee increases included a minimum charge for the use of the Bays. To offset some of that charge on Setup Days, we are starting a Friday Practice Session. The cost is $10 and you can make up your own scenarios. The initial guidelines are HEREThese guidelines may change after some experience with the sessions.
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2021 Fees: Ben Avery has imposed new fees and costs on all who use the facility effective July 1. The Board has developed a new match fee schedule, a new budget and other policy changes to minimize the impact of these costs on our membership. The 2021 fees, budget and other changes are HERE.

Current Club News

2021 Winter Warm-Up Match is complete.  Great success.

See some pictures HERE

Next ACSA match is March 13th



Club Information

Membership Dues were due January 1. Please fill out the new membership form, located HERE, even if there are no changes from last year. Bring the new Form with payment to the next match or pay by mail to the address on the form.
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COVID Restrictions: For those of you who have not shot a match here since the China Virus restrictions on gatherings, there will be no awards or scores after matches until Ben Avery restrictions allow larger gatherings.
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PRACTICE EVERY FRIDAY SETUP DAY. The Ben Avery Fee increases included a minimum charge for the use of the Bays. To offset some of that charge on Setup Days, we are starting a Friday Practice Session. The cost is $10 and you can make up your own scenarios. The initial guidelines are HEREThese guidelines may change after some experience with the sessions.
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2021 Fees: Ben Avery has imposed new fees and costs on all who use the facility effective July 1. The Board has developed a new match fee schedule, a new budget and other policy changes to minimize the impact of these costs on our membership. The 2021 fees, budget and other changes are HERE.

Current Club News

2021 Winter Warm-Up Match is complete.  Great success.

See some pictures HERE

Next ACSA match is March 13th




Club Information

Membership Dues were due January 1. Please fill out the new membership form, located HERE, even if there are no changes from last year. Bring the new Form with payment to the next match or pay by mail to the address on the form.
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COVID Restrictions: For those of you who have not shot a match here since the China Virus restrictions on gatherings, there will be no awards or scores after matches until Ben Avery restrictions allow larger gatherings.
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PRACTICE EVERY FRIDAY SETUP DAY. The Ben Avery Fee increases included a minimum charge for the use of the Bays. To offset some of that charge on Setup Days, we are starting a Friday Practice Session. The cost is $10 and you can make up your own scenarios. The initial guidelines are HEREThese guidelines may change after some experience with the sessions.
–  —  –
2021 Fees: Ben Avery has imposed new fees and costs on all who use the facility effective July 1. The Board has developed a new match fee schedule, a new budget and other policy changes to minimize the impact of these costs on our membership. The 2021 fees, budget and other changes are HERE.

February 14 :: S1-S6 ; Overall ResultsResults by Category : Detailed ResultsClean Shooters
March 13 :: S1-S6 ; Overall ResultsResults by Category : Detailed ResultsClean Shooters

April 10 : S1-S6  : Overall Results — Results by Category : Detailed Results — Clean Shooters

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AZ Cowboy Shooters Association, 2022 © All Rights Reserved