Shooters will need to fill out the monthly match form, with category, and pay at registration. Posse lists will be available on the outside tables and shooters will sign up for their posse of choice. We will be limiting the size of posses, likely 18, and we ask for your assistance in not adding additional names or shooters who will not make it to the match. Names added beyond the limit may likely be moved to another posse. If there is a group in which you want to shoot with and there is not enough room on one posse, we suggest you move yourselves, as a group, to another posse.
Registration will conclude 15 minutes before shooting is to start so that data can be entered for tablet scoring and give enough time for the Range Master to identify Posse Marshals and conduct the walk through.
LATE REGISTRATION at MONTHLY ACSA Matches: To start the match on time, we need all shooters to register prior to the cut-off time (8:45 AM Winter; 7:45 AM Summer), so we can add you to the scoring devices. > Any shooters registering after the cut-off time will not be added to the official scoring for the match (but will have a personal score card for recording times). > So, if you’re going to attend the match and will be late, reach out to a participant to have them fill out a registration form for you.
The updated, printable ACSA MONTHLY Event Form may be found on the Forms & Applications page HERE
2025 Annual Match Feb 7-9: Application
Thank you and see you at the range!
Arizona Cowboy Shooters Association, Inc. (ACSA)