Important Information

Next ACSA Match …

March 8, 2025

Thank you all for attending the

Blackout at Bloody Basin


Road Runner Dust-up


NEED SHOTGUN AMMO? Individuals who help with ACSA Friday stage set up will be entered into a prize drawing. The drawing will take place on Saturday morning during the shooters meeting. What’s the prize? 2 boxes of 12 Gauge shotgun ammo!

Match Set Up: Stages for each match are set up on the Friday before the match. We would appreciate volunteers! Start time is 7:30 AM at Ben Avery.

Tear Down: We need your help tearing down after the match: target take-down, carpet roll-up, raking up wads, equipment storage, etc.


The Arizona Cowboy Shooters Association Inc. (ACSA) is a SASS sanctioned Cowboy Action Shooting™ club​ located in Phoenix, Arizona at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility, one of the largest publicly operated shooting facilities in the country. We shoot year-round on the second Saturday of each month. So park your camper at Ben Avery, stay a while, and come join us in all the fun!


Membership dues are due January 1st

Please fill out the new membership form, found HERE, even if there are no changes from last year. Bring the new Form with payment to the next match or pay by mail to the address on the form.
MATCH SCHEDULE: Our matches are on the second Saturday of each month.

  • During the Winter months of October through April, registration starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 8:45 AM. The Shooters meeting is at 9:00 AM with hammers down shortly thereafter.
  • During the Summer months of May through September, registration starts at 7:00 AM and ends at 7:45 AM. The Shooters meeting is at 8:00 AM with hammers down shortly thereafter.
  • LATE REGISTRATION at MONTHLY ACSA Matches: To start the match on time, we need all shooters to register prior to the cut-off time (8:45 AM Winter; 7:45 AM Summer), so we can add you to the scoring devices.   > Any shooters registering after the cut-off time will not be added to the official scoring for the match (but will have a personal score card for recording times).   > So, if you’re going to attend the match and will be late, reach out to a participant to have them fill out a registration form for you.

Match Registration/Membership: The ACSA Match Registration and the Membership Application Forms may be found on the ACSA Forms Page HERE.
Stage Descriptions: Stage descriptions may be found a few days before each match on the Current year Match Schedule & Results page.

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