
SFTS options
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SFTS options

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For so many years when there is only one shooter in a category that shooter ends up with a top five buckle at the end of the year.

I would like another option put up for consideration after the March  match.  Should there be categories with only one shooter, for the next match they should be offered an opportunity to shoot in another category.


Posted : 27/02/2020 9:14 pm
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Posts: 60

In Feb. 2019 there were 6 shooters signed up in 49R. So in March I signed up again and there were 3 of us signed up.  So I  figured there would be competition and since this was my March category I was stuck.  For the rest of the year I was it in 49R and because no one that signed up in Feb. and Mar. became a member and no other member was in this category for the rest of the year I got a top 5 buckle.   I guess my fault for picking the wrong category.  Well why did I pick 49R?  Since over the last 14 years I have won at least once every category I was eligible for I decided I would start over.  Stupid me.

Posted : 28/02/2020 6:17 pm
Posts: 53

As I've stated before, your category is the category you put on your Match Application and need not be the same one every time. All you need to do to qualify for SFTS is to shoot more than half of the eligible matches in the same category. Fer instance: Shoot January, February, June, July, October and December in, say, B Western, then you qualify for SFTS in B Western. Or shoot the first six matches in Elder Statesman and the remaining five matches in Wrangler, you qualify for SFTS in Elder Statesman. What you shoot at any given match does not lock you into shooting that category at any time in the future. You can even alternate between two categories for the whole year and you qualify for SFTS in whatever category you shot six times.

If you choose to shoot in a category in which there is no competition, then you don't qualify for a silver buckle. If that were allowed, that is, to give a silver buckle to someone who had no competition, then having a silver buckle becomes sorta meaningless and is worth nothing more than the scrap value.

Now define competition. Is that one shooter in your SFTS category who  shoots two matches? Is that competition?

SASS #83266

Posted : 29/02/2020 2:23 pm
Posts: 9
Topic starter

Yes, why not.

It's pretty obvious that ACSA appears heading to eliminate the SFTS

That's a mistake at many levels.

Posted : 03/03/2020 2:22 pm
Posts: 20

If SFTS would be cancel , I would have second thoughts about attending every match, especially on hot days or very cold mornings. There would be no incentive 

to shoot all the matches, and then why pay the annual dues? 🤨 🤔 

Posted : 04/03/2020 4:06 pm

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