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Results for the Sat. February 13, 2021 match have been posted

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Shamrock Sadie
Posts: 67
Topic starter

Results for the Sat. February 13, 2021, match may be found HERE.

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Shamrock Sadie
Posted : 13/02/2021 2:39 pm
Posts: 60

Uh, Robyn DaVault is MANY years from being a Senior.  He shot this match as SHOOTIST.

Posted : 13/02/2021 5:10 pm
Posts: 43


Good Morning Lone Spur! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Just wanted to pop on here and remind you that you can come to the Board directly for any errors or issues you recognize with scoring or anything else.  This will ensure quicker results and responses.  I personally check my email several times a day.

We caught that data entry error right after we posted the scores. I’m confident the majority of the Cowboy community at ACSA knows Robyn is NOT a Senior and it was easily corrected on Sunday morning when we reconvened for our second day. 

We have restructured the way we are scoring and other than that one very small error, we had everyone on both days out on their stages well before the 9:00 a.m. start time and scores posted before we left the range! 😀  I’d call that a huge WIN for the club and shooters! Things are looking up for the club! A positive environment and positive feedback is what keeps us going!

Tombstone Sallie

Posted : 16/02/2021 5:57 am

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