
John Wayne category...
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John Wayne category?

15 Posts
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Posts: 60
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A number of CAS clubs are starting to have a new category for shooters who are running low on ammo.  They would shoot 5 pistol, 5 rifle and 2 shotgun each stage.  They would only compete against shooters in the same category.  Shoot any style, any powder, any clothes, not score against rest of shooters.  Just shooting for fun.  Tucson, Rio Salado, Prescott will be offering this type of shooting so folks who are running short of primers, powder, and bullets can still come out and have fun.  I mean, what is Cowboy Action Shooting?  "IT'S THE MOST FUN YOU CAN HAVE WITH YOUR CLOTHES ON!!!!"

Posted : 25/02/2021 6:49 pm
Darla Keller reacted
Posts: 43

I’ve heard and I think it’s great the Cowboy community is finding ways to work around the shortage.  Would be interested in knowing if the members at ACSA would be on board for this.....

Tombstone Sallie

Posted : 25/02/2021 8:20 pm
Lou Graham #26112
Posts: 48

Another couple of options I've seen is 5 stages instead of 6 and a .22 adult category.  Keep the ideas coming.

Posted : 25/02/2021 8:28 pm
Darla Keller reacted
Posts: 60
Topic starter

5+5+2 for 6 stages is 72 rounds.  10+10+4 for 5 stages is 120 rounds.  Big difference in ammo savings.  Also, there are folks who don't have an ammo problem, and when driving long distances and paying same fee for 5 stages instead of 6 might not want to come out and play.

Posted : 26/02/2021 8:29 am
Posts: 53

You're still going to run out of ammo - just later rather than sooner. And it's not Cowboy.

SASS #83266

Posted : 27/02/2021 11:18 am
Posts: 60
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Those of us who have watched the 1994, 2009, 2013, and 2016 "feeding frenzies" and learned something from them and decided to be prepared for the "next" frenzy are not worried because we have "kept our powder dry" and are "locked and loaded" for when the "s**t hits the fan."  And I don't mean just for CAS.

Posted : 27/02/2021 4:32 pm
Posts: 43

I guess I misunderstood the intention behind your comment Lonespur ... I was assuming the reason you mentioned the John Wayne category was because you were in support of something like that for ACSA. You simply mentioned it as a possibility.  It appears by the two subsequent comments you’ve made that you may not be in support of it.  ACSA doesn’t intend to consider anything right now as we are focusing on other matters at hand that require our immediate attention. That’s not to say it won’t be a consideration at a later date and certainly won’t be made “mandatory” but simply an option for those who didn’t have the means or ability to stock up and want to shoot as long as they can with limited supplies.

As always, ACSA welcomes suggestions as our number one goal is to have happy shooters and shooters that want to come back! 😁

Tombstone Sallie

Posted : 27/02/2021 6:32 pm
Posts: 60
Topic starter

You did not misunderstand my first post.  I am definitely in favor of something like a John Wayne category.  My reply to Lou was to show the ammo savings difference between 5+5+2 for 6 stages and 10+10+4 for 5 stages.  And that shooters who are not worried can still go and shoot a regular 6 stage match.  My reply to Kenny was a bit sarcastic because he went off the subject we were addressing.  Sorry for the confusion.

Posted : 28/02/2021 8:32 am
Darla Keller reacted
Dusty Eagle
Posts: 23

I think it is an OK idea for those that might want to do this.

Personally, I expect that we have a full 6 stage match, with this is an option.  With a 200 mile round trip drive, I would not drive down for less than 6 full stages.

Posted : 28/02/2021 8:50 am
Posts: 43

Thanks Lonespur for the clarification! 😁 Understood Dusty. Thank you for your feedback! 😉

Tombstone Sallie

Posted : 28/02/2021 9:28 am
Turquoise Bill
Posts: 21

I think it's a good idea for those folks that are "ammunition challenged". Offer the regular match with the normal 10-10-4 for those who want to shoot a full match, score them as usual. Anyone that wants to shoot the "John Wayne" category 5-5-2 can do so, they would be scored on their individual score card only. It may be an idea who's time has come for some.


Posted : 04/03/2021 3:55 pm
Darla Keller reacted
Posts: 43

Thanks for the feedback TB! 😁

Tombstone Sallie

Posted : 04/03/2021 7:54 pm
Posts: 20
Posted by: @turquoise-bill

I think it's a good idea for those folks that are "ammunition challenged". Offer the regular match with the normal 10-10-4 for those who want to shoot a full match, score them as usual. Anyone that wants to shoot the "John Wayne" category 5-5-2 can do so, they would be scored on their individual score card only. It may be an idea who's time has come for some.


I certainly favor this idea, leave it up to the shooter. Might get more cowboys involved . 

Posted : 09/03/2021 8:05 pm
Posts: 3

For people that are ammunitition challenged if anyone has looked at the videos and read this month's Rifleman article the ammo shortage is not going to get better for a long time if ever.  All of these ideas just stretch the ineviable a few more matches.  Anyone tried finding .22 ammo?  How about an airsoft or cork gun category?  Bottom line it ain't gonna make no difference.  If I am only going to shoot a match with two stages of five shots each I won't bother wasting the gas to get there.

Posted : 11/03/2021 11:07 am
Posts: 43

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to give feedback on the subject of “John Wayne” category.

JUST TO BE CLEAR ... this “category” would not be a “requirement” and nor would it qualify for SFTS.  In addition, should a shooter elect to participate in this category, it doesn’t impact the number of stages they can shoot.  They can still shoot all six stages.

if you are NOT participating in this category, you will still be able to shoot all six stages.

We want people to continue to “drive” to our matches and have fun and shoot 6 stages. 

We are simply considering options for those who are wanting to “conserve” on their supplies.  Whether we all run out today or a year from now, we still want the opportunity to enjoy the sport for as long as we can. 😁

Look forward to seeing everyone for our St. Patrick’s match on Saturday! Wear your green and be prepared to have FUN! ☘️

Posted : 11/03/2021 11:19 am

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