
Feb 2 Day (13th and...
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Feb 2 Day (13th and 14th)

2 Posts
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Lou Graham #26112
Posts: 48
Topic starter

Registration has been extended to Jan 22nd.  We will have 2 separate 6 stage matches in Feb.  You can sign up for either one or both days.  Set up on Fri at 7:30am, practice open afterward until noon.  Practice is $10.  ACSA will provide .38spl and 12 Ga. for practice.  Save your primers for match ammo!  Hope to see you there. 

Posted : 13/01/2021 7:10 pm
Lou Graham #26112
Posts: 48
Topic starter

Set up on Fri at 7:30am, practice open afterward until noon.  Practice is $10.  ACSA will provide .38spl and 12 Ga. for practice.  Save your primers for match ammo!  Hope to see you there.   You can still register to shoot either day or both days.  We will keep registration open until it fills or to match day, whichever comes first.  The "Who's Coming" is posted on the main page of the website.  Looking forward to seeing everybody!

Posted : 27/01/2021 10:37 am

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